Page name: The World of Lienae [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-29 21:42:58
Last author: Windstar
Owner: Windstar
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Welcome to the World of Lienae! This is mainly a roleplay wiki, but the roleplaying will be charted down as a story too, so people are welcome to come just to read it. I, Windstar, am in charge, but I may get some helpers later if this gets busy.

This wiki is still in the setting up stage. If you want to roleplay here, you will need to pm me and tell me the sort of character you want. I will then create a character for you that fits the storyline. Later, when this is more organized, you will be able to submit a character to me fully formed, and I will either accept it or not. If you can come up with a good enough character and background, that fits the storyline, then I may well accept it as is at this time.

As the owner of this wikipage and creator of the original storyline, I reserve the right to kill off your character if you try to do something completely out of character or that disrupts the storyline too far. I will, however, warn you ahead of time, and will not gratuitously kill off any characters.

[Avoral] is my official helper.

Lienae is a magical world, full of elves and sprites, orcs and goblins, humans, fairies, and other named and unnamed creatures. Mages ride griffons, or dragons, or whatever they please - innocent maidens greet unicorns in moonlit meadows - kings marry queens, princes pursue princesses, and generally it seems a fairybook land.

This fairybook feel is only the surface of Lienae, however. Beneath, there are as many or more problems as our world, as many mistakes. Good triumphs over evil for the most part, true, but evil triumphs once in a while as well. There are rapists and murderers, sociopaths and prejudice, all made worse by the easy availablity of magic. And lately, things have been getting even worse.

Mirala, the evil goddess that is constantly trying to destroy all that is right and good, is forming an enormous army of the dark, hidden beasts and creatures of the world. And she means to use it to take over Lienae.

Lienae Characters - Nine profiles up, three open for application!

The Story of Lienae - the rp is up and running!

Lienae Chapters - the record of the story thus far.

Username (or number or email):


2004-10-22 [Windstar]: I noticed. It's always at The Story of Lienae. BTW...*grin* when I get enough gold, I'm starting an RP guild on gaia based on Lienae, only it's the future - long past THIS rp. You see, my ORIGINAL Lienae rp was on gaia - Lienae School of Magic and Weaponry. In the guild, that school will be current, and this rp past history.

2004-10-22 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ....but we don't know how this ends...course I'll join though

2004-10-23 [Windstar]: LOL. I know we don't....but it'll take forever for me to get the other 13000 gold I need to start it, so I'll have enough info set to make things reasonable. Besides, a couple thousand years later, do you really think the issue will come up all that much?

2004-10-28 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ....maybe....^_^;

2004-10-29 [Windstar]: *sigh* Hopefully by the time the subject comes up I'll have answers...

2004-10-30 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: lol. course u should

2004-11-01 [Windstar]: Hooray! I have the guild up! *grin*

2004-11-02 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ pm me about it

2004-11-02 [Windstar]: Did better. I sent an official invitation to the guild.

2004-11-04 [Avoral]: I'm the official helper. *Nods*

2004-11-04 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ can I be the offical sugar helper? ^_^ lol. just jk.

2004-11-04 [Windstar]: Here, at least, Avoral. I'm not sure you even have a gaiaonline account, but if you do hunt down my guild and I'll probably make you crew, eventually. You too, scF.

2004-11-04 [Avoral]: Ooooooooooooooooooh... I like it. ^_^ Now what exactly is gaiaonline, anyway?

2004-11-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ^_^ just go to and u'll find out

2004-11-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: by the way, I joined the guild! ^_^ aren't ya happy! ^_^ can u check if the char. bio is ok? it might be a bit confusing..

2004-11-05 [Avoral]: Yeyah!

2004-11-05 [Windstar]: I'll check in a moment. Avoral, does that Yeyah mean you joined gaia? If so, what's your username?

2004-11-05 [Windstar]: Checked. Yeah, that looks pretty good...except you might want to change it from Death and DEATH to the god of death and his assistant, who's a more minor god. Remember what sort of odd structure for such things I've shown here, because it's the same world a couple thousand years later.

2004-11-05 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: I know. but there's always a death in every world. sometimes it's not mentioned. Death is the apprentice, DEATH is the god. and he talks in only caps. ^_^

2004-11-06 [Windstar]: Yeah, but maybe we should have a different name for them or something. I know! Death for the god, and Thanatos(which means death) for the apprentice!

2004-11-06 [sugar_crazy_Fox]: ... ok. for the guild thing. but not for my comic....^_^ all settled then! ^_^

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